One front, many struggle

At a time when the imperialist project is in trouble throughout the West, fascism and the far-right are making electora gains and expanding their influence.
Meanwhile, the Palestinian people are being subjected to genocide for resisting colonialism.
The militarized fortress Europe kills daily at its borders and wages a war against exiles; expelling and killing in its detention centers.

We say that the only appropriate response to the rise of the far right and fascization is a revolutionnary ripost. This response cannot be consistent unless it is popular, anti-racist and anti-imperialist, social and feminist, and therefore anti-fascist.

We can’t fight fascism with the system that enables it.

Fascism is a management regime of capitalism by the dominant class, the bourgeoisie
Fascism, as a mode of management and as an ideology, is an intensified expression of elements already contained in our society: racism, suprematism, patriarchy, nationalism, the exploitation of people by other people, the use of militarized force and terror to silence social protest, authoritarianism, the illegalism of our governments..

It’s about understanding that the heart of the fascist regime is nothing other than the maintenance of daily domination, and cannot function without an increasingly savage and murderous state machiner

A process of fascization is underway, in Belgium, Europe and beyond. This process is global and can not be halted under any government or union of left-wing parties, since the latter are also affected by this fascization.

At best, these left-wing governments would slow this process down by a few years, without preventing it; at worst, they would accelerate the disintegration and betrayals within our camp, and allow the opposite camp to organize.
History has proven this time and again, and our responsibility as revolutionary activists is to learn from past experience.

Revolution is a material proposal to finally free ourselves from our imperialism, from exploitation, trom white suprematism, trom patriarchy… We cannot accept to live here, in the West, on the back of the domination of the whole world ; the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people against Western imperialism has reminded us of this every day for 9 months and 76 years, at the immense cost of tens of thousands of resistance fighters who died for their liberation.

The urgency lies in our self-organization, as young people, students, documented and undocumented workers, racialized, gendered and queer people… The urgency lies in our offensive against state power and its capitalist structures.

Only a revolutionary process capable of triumphing over the process of fascization can give us victory in the balance of power that pits us against the bourgeoisie and imperialism.

Because the fight against the far-right is antiracist and anti-imperialist, take it to the streets this Sunday! We’re calling for an antitascist, anti-Zionist and revolutionary bloc, going beyond the social-democratic « popular front » and radically challenging Belgian imperialism, state racism and neocolonial policies.

AFA-BXL / Université Populaire de Bruxelles / FAR / Classe Contre Classe / Popular Commettee for Palestine

Categories: FAR